The development loan fund and the mass transit fund shall be closed. 展款基金及地下路基金予算。
Beginning in2007, IBRD supported Bihar 's2-year-old reform program through the Bihar Development Policy Loan/ Credit. 2007年底以来,国际复兴开发银行通过比哈尔邦发展政策贷款/信贷支持邦政府实施了为期两年的改革项目。
The Practice and Development for Interlibrary Loan of BALIS BALIS馆际互借的实践与发展
Study on Small and Medium-Sized Financial Institution: Empirical Analysis Based on the Development of Small Loan Company 中小金融机构研究:基于小额贷款公司发展的实践分析
Research on the Development Direction of Loan Provision in the Listed Commercial Banks 上市商业银行贷款拨备计提发展方向研究
The Development of Loan Pledged by Certificate Treasury Bonds 对凭证式国债质押贷款业务发展的思考
The Asian Development Bank loan is a new approach of raise funds in Pinghu development project. 亚洲开发银行贷款是在平湖油气田开发项目建设中一种新的筹措资金方式。
Fisheries Development Loan Fund Advisory Committee 渔业发展贷款基金顾问委员会
On Sustainable Development of Student Loan for Local Students 对生源地助学贷款可持续发展的思考
The relevant bylaws of the Development Bank on loan management shall be carried out accordingly. 执行开发银行有关贷款管理的规章制度。
With the development of loan business, loan fraud came into being and increasingly spread out. Moreover, loan fraud becomes a key factor in inducing regional financial hazard and crisis, and hurdling the process of market economy in China. 随着我国贷款金融业务的日益发展,贷款诈骗犯罪活动也随之产生并愈益严重,已成为诱发区域性金融风险和金融危机、阻碍我国经济市场化进程的重要因素。
The proportion is supposed to be raised properly in GDP and there should be the residents 'income rise, sound system of social security, stable anticipation of expenditure, positive development of loan consumption and increase of consumption of rate. 应适当提高消费占GDP的比重,增加居民收入,健全社会保障制度,稳定居民支出预期,积极发展信贷消费,提高消费率。
Hence it is of great significance in terms of theory and reality to examine the potential risks emerging in real estate development loan and to figure out the corresponding measures to prevent, control and eliminate the risks. 因此,分析房地产开发贷款面临的风险,并根据风险的类别及生成机制及时采取措施防范、控制与化解风险,就具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。
First, this dissertation, with the help of systematic engineering theory and risk governing theories of commercial banks, analyzes the major risks emerging in real estate development loan from the macro, regional and micro perspectives. 首先,在借鉴系统工程理论、商业银行风险管理理论的基础上,本文从宏观、区域、微观三个层面分析了房地产开发贷款面临的主要风险。
When house consuming becomes hotspot, the real estate finance also transfers its center from development loan to individual housing loan gradually. 当住房消费成为新的消费热点后,房地产金融业务的重心也逐渐从房地产开发贷款向个人住房贷款业务转移。
Key points for attention in bidding documents translation for The World Bank and Asian Development Bank loan highway project 世亚行贷款公路工程项目投标文件的翻译要点
Recently, with the increasing expansion of real estate markets, the development loan scale in real estate has been enlarged rapidly. 近年来,由于我国房地产市场迅速扩张,使得房地产开发贷款规模也快速增长。
According to the development of loan modes, the Views on Foreign Railway Loans in modern history can be divided into five periods. 近代铁路外债观基本上经历了几个发展阶段:一是甲午战前朝野对借债筑路从排斥到初步认可。
In this article, the concept and position of the international consortium as well as the growth and development of loan business of consortium in China are analyzed and the author also comes up with the his own suggestions that the legislation for bank loans of China be internationalized. 本文对国际银团贷款的概念及其地位以及中国银团贷款业的兴起和发展作了分析,提出了中国银团贷款立法国际化的建议。
On the development of loan securitization in China 我国发展贷款证券化业务的若干法律思考
At the same time, this innovation from the perspective of our bank credit technology, banks should make our development "loan commitment" credit products and the use of credit scoring standards to increase bank lending to SMEs, both in terms of quality and quantity. 同时,本文从创新我国银行的信贷技术的角度,提出我国银行应该开发贷款承诺的信贷产品以及运用信贷评分标准来增加银行对中小企业贷款的质和量。
However, the hidden trouble of loan risk exposes gradually with the quick development of loan transaction. 然而随着业务的快速发展,贷款的风险隐患也逐渐暴露和显现。
In addition, it points out eight risks of development of syndicated loan. 此外,还指出了我国银团贷款业务发展面临的八大风险。
The essay analyzes the theory of interest rate, the application and development of loan pricing. 本文分析了利率理论、目前贷款定价的理论的发展状况和应用情况。
From real estate development loan to the individual housing loans, banks provide a stronger credit support, Because of this policy of support to make our real estate prices rising. 从房地产开发贷款到个人住房贷款,银行都提供了强有力的信贷支持,正是有了这种政策的支持才使我国的房地产价格不断攀升。
In accordance with the time series, the overall characteristics of the development of loan relationships in Han Dynasty are briefly analyzed. 主要是从纵向入手,按照时间序列,简要的分析整个汉代借贷关系发展的总体特点。
After 2003, State Departments and Central Bank enacted a series of financial policy to the real estate financing. So each bank has been more cautious of their real estate development loan. 2003年以来国务院、央行相继出台了一系列的房地产金融调控政策,对房地产信贷做了进一步的规范,各家银行对房地产开发贷款将更为谨慎,房地产开发企业的融资渠道趋紧。
Since the implementation of open and reform policy, the active development of loan security propels the whole Chinese economy forward into a sustained growing stage. 改革开放以来,商业银行信贷的活跃发展推动了中国国民经济进入到全面持续的增长阶段。
In conclusion, a forecasting analysis is made concerning the future loan business and assets business of commercial bank and a blueprint is made about the development of loan pricing of commercial bank. 在结论部分,对商业银行未来的贷款业务以及资产业务进行了预测分析,并对商业银行贷款定价的发展进行了展望。
The result discovered that the banking sector arises relations with the real estate market through holding the real estate property, making the property development construction loan, providing loan and providing other each kind of loan with the real estate property directly as the pawn. 结果发现,银行部门通过直接持有房地产资产、为房地产开发建设贷款、为居民购买房地产发放贷款、以房地产资产作为抵押物发放其他各种贷款而与房地产市场相联系。